Features of the Task Verify App and Portal

The Task Verify App is used to assign important tasks and verify completion of tasks.

Assign Tasks

Assigning important tasks for completion.

  • Assigning Tasks that are date and time-based: The task verify app provides a key way to assign tasks that need to be done frequently throughout the day.  WorkMerk has a Behavioral Health customer that requires staff to check the location of individuals under supervised care every 30 minutes or 1 hour throughout the day and night.
  • Verify the Completion of Tasks: There are instances where additional verification features such as barcode or sensor scanning is needed to confirm that a person completing a task is at the location and completing a task at the right time.  WorkMerk has a Behavioral Health customer that requires all night time checks to require barcoding at just inside a room to ensure that personnel actually check-in on the individual they are monitoring.
  • Tracking Task Completion Performance: The App provides an effective way to track 24 completion across the enterprise.  This way managers or supervisors can make sure require checks are being completed every day.

Assigning Checklists

Using an App to complete checklists

  • Checklists can be set up in the app: App-based checklists are more effective than paper-based checklists.  As they are completed, they can be reviewed in real-time by managers and supervisors.
  • Create Issues from completed checklists: If an issue presents itself, a person completing a checklist can also log an issue that needs to be resolved.  On creation of the issue, if it is urgent, the creator can choose to electronically notify another person, typically a manager, in the organization.  
  • Created issues can include more details, to include photos that would be helpful to the person responding to an issue.
  • Customizable Checklist Creation: WorkMerk's software gives organizations the ability to customize the creation of their checklists.

Issue Creation

If issues are discovered, they can be logged electronically and quickly alert responsible persons.

  • If an issue presents itself, a person completing a checklist can also log an issue that needs to be resolved. On creation of the issue, if it is urgent, the creator can choose to electronically notify another person, typically a manager, in the organization.
  • Created issues can include more details, to include photos that would be helpful to the person responding to an issue.


Push out Training to employees or other personnel.

  • Training can be sent out electronically to individuals or to groups.
  • Completed training can be tracked.
  • Customized training can be added from PowerPoint presentations, movies or links to other sites.

Documents and News

Post documents that are accessible from the app.

  • Post documents that are readily accessible.  A key value of having documents in the app is to use them for reference when at a site or location requiring specialized information.
  • News items can also be posted into the app highlighting recent newsworthy information.
  • Posted documents and news can be sent to individuals, groups or all personnel belonging to an organization.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Readiness App can be used on either iPhones or Android Devices.

Apps can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.  If you are registering for the first time, you will need a Security Access Code to successfully download the app.

If you enable notifications for the app, you can receive notifications when messages are sent to you or when you have an appointment scheduled.

The Portal is typically used by Supervisors and Administrators.

WorkMerk is a Veteran-Owned Service-Disabled Company.

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